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Shadows in the Fog

A Sirens in the Shadows Novel: Book 1

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When Kateri, a Siren, is lured by her manipulative and destitute boyfriend into joining a dangerous contest called Phobia, she not only faces the course but also a forbidden attraction to her mortal enemy and Ren, Magnus Dylan.

As a Ren, the male version of a Siren, he and his brothers could still be infected by The Madness and wipe out their species forever.

Kateri discovers that Magnus is not just her enemy, but also her mate. Now she must figure out how to fight their past, her family, and her now ex-boyfriend to keep her only chance at love and having a family of her own.

Shadows in the Fog

A Sirens in the Shadows Novel: Book One

When Kateri, a Siren, is lured by her manipulative and destitute boyfriend into joining a dangerous contest called Phobia, she not only faces the course but also a forbidden attraction to her mortal enemy and Ren, Magnus Dylan.

As a Ren, the male version of a Siren, he and his brothers could still be infected by The Madness and wipe out their species forever.

Kateri discovers that Magnus is not just her enemy, but also her mate. Now she must figure out how to fight their past, her family, and her now ex-boyfriend to keep her only chance at love and having a family of her own.

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